Kithimu Ward Residents Condemns MCA For Abandoning Them, Delaying Development

Residents of Kithimu ward have angrily condemned the area MCA, Njagi Karuri for not using Kithimu market roads when getting in and out of the ward.

Kithimu Ward MCA Njagi Karuri.
Image: Njagi Karuri (Facebook)

Speaking during a stand off with the MCA’s Personal assistant, Patrick Mati, the residents claimed that the MCA, since he was elected into the position, they have ‘never seen him’.

Truck watering a Kithimu Ward Road.
Photo: Prone Tv (Original)

“He said that boda operators disturbs him when he passes through this road,” one bodaboda operator alleged, pointing at the Kivwe-Kithimu-Ena access road.

This happened immediately after the watering of some dusty Kithimu Ward Market paths. The residents demanded that the roads be murramed instead of being watered, terming the project as ‘covering up of their eyes’.

A partial view of one of the paths which were watered in Kithimu Market. Photo: Prone Tv (Original)

The Kenya Youth Federation Kithimu ward leader Silverio Ndwiga who was at the scene told off Mati, urging that Karuri should not hide from his own people, a comment which Mati rubbished, telling Silverio that the new regime has only five months in office and should be given more time.

KYF Kithimu Ward rep Silverio Ndwiga. Photo: Silverio Ndwiga (Facebook)

PA Mati also urged the residents to be patient as the Ward administration has not been given any  funding for development.

Kithimu Ward MCA Njagi Karuri (right) and Patrick Mati.
Photo: Patrick Mati (Facebook)
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