Didmus Barasa Says Gachagua Intends To Betray Ruto

Member of Parliament to Kimilili, Didmus Barasa has alleged that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is out to betray President Ruto.

DP Rigathi Gachagua. PHOTO: CURTESY

Barasa also regrets the 2022 decision overruling CS Interior Kithure Kindiki’s selection.

Mp Didmus Barasa. PHOTO: CURTESY

The lawmaker has further revealed that Gachagua only got 1 vote from almost 50 central region leaders to be Ruto’s runningmate, but they defied and chose him either way.

This comes following the ongoing standoff amongst UDA politicians over the ‘one man, one vote, one shilling’ campaign which is allegedly being led by Dp Gachagua.

The narrative has also been backed by Azimio Principle Raila Odinga.

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