KEMRI Warns Sex Lovers To Have Protected Sex To Avoid Super Gonorrhea

Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) has warned Kenyans to use Protection when having sex to avoid carb the spread of ‘Super Gonorrhea’, a deadly infection resulting from mutation.

The antibiotics resistant infection has symptoms such as:

  • Pain during urination.
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain.
  • Rectal itching, bleeding, or discharge.
  • Pain during bowel movements.
  • Eye pain and discharge.
  • Sore throat.
  • Swollen glands in the neck.
  • Stiff and painful joints.

This comes a while after there have been reports of shortage of condoms in the country, prompting to sex workers re-using dumped condoms.

However, Nairobi City County is said to hold the highest cases of the infection.

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