Matiang’i’s Karen Home Surrounded By Police

Officers from The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission  surrounded the Karen home of former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i minutes to 10PM on Wednesday  February 8.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga arrived at Matiang’i’s home minutes after 10 pm, and sought clarification as to why the police had laid siege at the home.

Raila also alleged that the police officers conducted an unlawful act of raiding the home at night when people were asleep

Screengrab of Raila Odinga speaking at Matiang’i’s home yesterday.

Matiang’i’s legal team were at his residence and called the move unprocedural, claiming that his life may be in danger.

“The police have not declared what they want or what he’s done wrong. We do not understand why the police would come to arrest our client in the dead of the night. Why didn’t they come during the day?” Lawyer Sam Nyaberi, complained.

The police officers arrived at the Karen residence a few minutes before 10 pm and were attempting to force their way in.

According to a source, the police officers arrived in five motor vehicles and were demanding access to Matiang’i’s house but were stopped by his security.

“It is then that he reached out to his lawyers who made their way to his home and started arguing with the officers who have remained silent…they are not saying anything as of now,” the source said.

The officials who were camping outside the home of the former CS were from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission  a police source said.

Also, Mr Danstan Omari, who is leading a team of lawyers camped at the home, said that they were yet to be told what is happening.

“We are not going to leave here until tomorrow. If they want our client we shall present him wherever they want,” he said.

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