Kithimu: Overflowing Kamisa Pond Uncontrolled Since Start Of Heavy Rain

Kithimu’s Kamisa seasonal pond has been overflowing since the start of heavy rains in the country, and the water found it’s way to people’s homesteads, and eventually crossed a section of the busy Kivwe-Kithimu road.

Woman Struggling to Cross The waterlogged area Along Kivwe-Kithimu Road. VIDEO: PRONE TV

recently, Kithimu Bodaboda operators and other people of goodwill dug a shallow drainage fallow to empty the water into Kavagire river.

Drainage dug by residents To empty Kamisa Water To Kavagire River. PHOTO: JAMES MUGAMBI/PRONE TV

However, the waters seems to be far from full control, as rain continues and the pond being overwhelmingly full to the brim.

locals have expressed their fear as vehicles, motorcycles and pedestrians meet difficulties while crossing the stagnated area along the road.

The pond has extended to the Kivwe-Kithimu Main Road. PHOTO: JAMES MUGAMBI/PRONE TV

Additionally, the families living near the pond may be in danger as the pond now extends to their compounds day by day.

People living near the Banks of Kamisa Pond May Be In Danger Of Displacement. PHOTO: JAMES MUGAMBI/PRONE TV
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